Currently, we foresee development of 6 products  within the scope of the ARIES project.

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Green leaf area

The green plan leaf area will be derived from PRISMA data (30m spatial resolution) and expressed in m²/m². This will allow users to get detailed information about the current development of their crop stands. The green leaf area will be used as input to the canopy water content Level 4 product.

Leaf water content

Leaf water content will be derived from Level 2 PRISMA data (30 m spatial resolution) and expressed in µg/cm² of leaf area. The green leaf area will be used as input to the canopy water content Level 4 product.

Canopy water content

The canopy water content will be derived from the PRISMA Level 3 products Leaf water content and Green leaf area (30m resolution) and expressed in µg/m². The canopy water content can be used as an independent variable to crosscheck the crop water stress derived from ECOSTRESS / S2 / S3 data fusion (see next). While the variables are not synonymous, their patterns should be similar, with higher canopy water contents coinciding with less water stress.

Ecosystem water stress

Ecosystem water stress will be derived from the information of ECOSTRESS LST and air temperature (70m resolution). There will be three metrics to represent ecosystem water stress, namely crop water stress index, evaporative fraction, and scaled ecosystem drought index. Data fusion between ECOSTRESS data and Landsat 8 will be investigated as a potential way to further increase temporal frequency of the thermal observations.

High resolution crop water stress

High-resolution Land Surface Temperature and evapotranspiration time series (10m - 20m resolution) will be generated through the fusion of daily, low resolution Sentinel-3 thermal imagery with high-resolution Sentinel-2 optical data. We will investigate to what extent high-resolution ECOSTRESS data can be used to finetune the thermally sharpened LST data to generate a high quality daily LST product. By combining LST with air temperature data, an informative and high-resolution crop water stress indicator will be derived.

Drought susceptible area

Drought susceptibility pockets in the study area will be estimated through a rapid change index. The rapid change index will be derived from the shortwave transformed reflectance using SWIR band information of Sentinel-2.